Stuck In The Middle With You

"I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, and I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you!"

Monday, December 11, 2006

The Stuff People With No Astro Get To Watch!


And the scary thing is that they were dead serious. This isn’t a parody. Thus, the secret to unlocking an utopian paradise for everyone here in Great Nation Of Malaysia all depends on our ability to keep our public toilets clean.

If that is so, we are already doomed.

If I were one of those kids holding up the stupid sign in the video, I would seriously contemplate self-mutilation on my face so that no one can ever recognize me. Ever...

Imagine people going up to you and asking, “Hey, aren’t you the kid holding up the “T” in tandas?”

Which goes to show that we Malaysians don’t need the extra help to be made fun of because we’re doing an excellent job on our own unintentionally.

However, this one…

this one is actually quite cool.

"Kalau tiada jari, kalau tiada jari, kita potong benda lain yang boleh dipotong!" :)

Although, the video may not be too funny now seeing what the real Ah Longs are capable of doing to one’s family.

Anyway, if these are the things shown on the "contemporary" local channels, just think what we're missing out right now on RTM 1!

"Of course it's ridiculous... but it's cool!"


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