Stuck In The Middle With You

"I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, and I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you!"

Friday, May 12, 2006

Redlining One's Self

I’m back from the dead! Woohoo, assignment mania!

You know, I’ve always treated any literature work I ever had as an assignment. Yes, even this blog! I am using Word now to type this. And the shitty part? I even procrastinate doing my blog like I do with my assignments! LOL!

It’s kinda funny when Dave asked me:
”When are you going to update your blog?”

And I say:
”Doing now.”

And the post only comes up the next day in the middle of the afternoon.

Based on the length, some people even theorized that I actually prepare 3-4 articles in advance and save them for later! Hahahah, like a magazine!

So anyway, there was this one time somewhere last week when I decided to see how far my body could go. After a major assignment (after 2 sleepless nights), against the protest of my tiredness, I went for my Jujitsu class. Fell asleep inside my car after I parked for almost a solid hour. Woke up just in time for the weekly festivities… Sparing!

After getting my butt kicked (I’ve experienced first hand the “Nelson-lock”. It really… stretches you. Really…) I have gotten a call. It was DOTA time!

So with no dinner (no lunch either!) I went to old ESC down as SS2 at around 8.30pm and played until… about 3.40am! Hoooo ahh!

Ate my dinner/lunch around 4am. Indo mee double, boss!

And that is how you redline youself.

“I don’t need my boyfriend’s protection. He is a bloody f33d3r.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woi i was just joking la. -_-

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know! But it sounds funny!
Girl power!

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesnt come up the next day... it comes up sometimes even the next week... where in between i ask "eh i thought u were blogging why not out yet?"

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes me awhile to do. :(
Yeah, you had asked me. On MSN u ask me what i was doing and i said "blogging".
Then it comes out later and u commented waah took u so long wan?

7:08 PM  

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